
Raft(Distributed Consensus Protocol)


Distributed Consensus Protocol

Raft diagram


The Raft distributed consensus protocol allows a collection of processes to maintain consistency even in the face of multiple node failure. The two main tenants of the protocol are leader election and log replication.

This visualization will lay out the problem of distributed consensus followed by a general overview of leader election and log replication. It will then follow up with details of Leader Election using best case (Single Candidate) and worst case (Split Vote) scenarios. Then it will show details of Log Replication using the best case (Network OK) and worst case (Network Partitions) scenarios. Finally, it will conclude with additional resources on where to learn more.

Raft 分布式共识协议允许一组进程即使在面对多个节点故障时也能保持一致性。 该协议的两个主要租户是领导者选举和日志复制。

这种可视化将列出分布式共识的问题,然后是对领导选举和日志复制的一般概述。 然后,它将使用最佳情况(单一候选人)和最坏情况(分裂投票)情况跟进领导人选举的详细信息。 然后它将使用最佳情况(网络正常)和最坏情况(网络分区)方案显示日志复制的详细信息。 最后,它将以在何处了解更多信息的其他资源作为结尾。


  1. What is Distributed Consensus?
  2. Overview
  • States (Follower, Candidate, Leader)
  1. Leader Election
  • Election Timeout
  • Candidacy
  • Leadership & heartbeat timeout.
  • Re-election
  • Split Vote
  1. Log Replication
  • Complex state machine example.
  • Commitment rules
  • Network Partitions
  • Client reads.
  1. Conclusion & Additional Resources